Meditations For Peace & Presence

Meditations for Dropping
Out of The Noisy Mind
and Into the Powerful Stillness of Being.

 Meditations For Peace and Presence

Meditations for Dropping
Out of The Noisy Mind
and Into the Powerful 
Stillness of Being.

Meditation is your gateway to the true power, peace and presence that already exists within you.

This free introductory collection of guided meditations will guide you deeper within to discover:

  • The deep peace of being that already exists within you.

  • The power of surrender that reveals the ultimate freedom that we're all seeking.

  • How to use your own body as a powerful guide to deep inner stillness.

  • A more intimate and loving connection with self, others and all of life.

  • Just how easy it is to quickly and deeply drop into the stillness below the noise of your mind.

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Each meditation has been designed with a specific intention.

You can browse through the full description of each meditation below.

Your Guided Meditation Collection Will Include…

There is Always Peace – 15:00

This meditation helps connect you to the deep and profound peace that resides within you. It helps you navigate the waves and tumult of life by establishing a strong and resonant connection to the ocean of stillness, stability and simplicity that is always available to us whenever we choose to access it.

Floating Surrender – 20:40

This meditation imbues the peace and freedom that comes when we surrender ourselves to love, forgiveness and compassion. Let go and allow yourself to float in a sea of love while being cleansed by the breath of forgiveness and bathed in the warmth of compassion.

Body Awareness Meditation – 10:15

The body awareness meditation is a simple yet powerful meditation that provides an easy technique for dropping down out of the busy mind and into the still body. This simple meditation is useful for beginning meditators or those who have a practice but are looking for an easy way to drop down out of the monkey mind.

Three Bells Meditation – 12:10

The Three Bells Meditation is a simple meditation meant to deliver you into a deeper state of presence. This meditation is good for anyone relatively new to meditation. But good for seasoned meditators too.

Three Bells Meditation (No Intro) – 11:24

This is the same meditation as the one above, but without the instructional piece at the beginning. Once you’ve learned how to use the Three Bells Meditation, you can use this meditation without the instructional intro.

Elemental Breathing Meditation (With Intro) – 18:50

This is a powerful meditation to bring you into a deeper “feeling” of connection with all life. All different manifestations of nature have an essence to them which we can find resonance with in our own body and emotional awareness. For example, an oak tree has certain properties of strength and solidity that we can recognize within ourselves.

When we take a moment to consciously “connect” with and breathe in this essence of lets say, oak tree, we activate an enliven within us those very same characteristics of strength and solidity.

Elemental Breathing Meditation (No Intro) – 17:30

Same as above, but without the explanatory introduction.