Eternal Presence is Our Authentic Nature.

May 02, 2018

My love is more authentic than my hate.

My peace is more authentic than my anger.

My compassion is more authentic than my judgement.

My faith is more authentic than my fear.

Hate is of the conditioned mind. Love is the natural state of being readily available when the hate is not believed.

Anger is of the conditioned mind. Peace is the eternal truth that is ever present beyond the troubled mind.

Judgement is of the conditioned mind. Compassion is of the untouched and unchanging eternal presence within which the mind’s judgement simply comes and goes.

Fear is of the conditioned mind. Faith blooms effortlessly from the grace and aliveness that is the natural ground of being beyond all thought.

I am not my mind’s constructed beliefs. They are not original to my Being and therefore not authentic.

I AM THAT eternal awareness within which all transient conditions of mind come and go.

The eternal presence and Awareness is our Authentic Nature.


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