Let Go of You and Discover the True You.
May 04, 2019This video is from Satsang, April 28, 2019, a day after my 58th birthday. The aliveness of peace and surrender was flowing with such abundance.
This Satsang is primarily about surrender.
It is about surrendering all our ideas of self… Completely. So that we may discover the imperishable self that can never truly be lost.
This faith of surrender is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.
And yet it offers one of the greatest freedoms you will ever know.
Typically there is a panic that can accompany this depth of surrender. But not to worry. You won’t lose the true self. You cannot lose what you truly are. You can only discover a deeper truth of you.
Like throwing wheat into the air and letting the wind carry away the chaff…
Throw all thoughts and images and concepts of you up into the air and let all that is not truly you be carried away.
Your soul will remain.
Welcome home.