The Wilderness Within

Jan 08, 2014

Why is the wilderness such a powerful partner in dissolving our own shadow?

We go to the wilderness to listen again to what is true from within us rather than to what is projected as true from the societal world around us.

We go to the wilderness so that the purity around us can resonate with the purity within us. When in wilderness, the stillness, stability, simplicity and silence around us allows us to access and remember the stillness, stability, simplicity and silence within us.

Within the timeless nature of wilderness….

  • All the distracting noise of life returns to the purity of silence from which it originally came. And in the silence our original true essence can be heard.
  • All the distracting action of life returns to the purity of stillness from which it originally came. And in the stillness our original true essence can be felt.
  • All the mental constructs and shadow states we create about who we are return to the purity of original nothingness from which they came. And through the simplicity of nothingness our original true essence can once again be seen.

The wilderness teaches us how to stand in our shadow, not in identification with our shadow, but as the brilliant truth of who we truly are. In that way the shadow is recognized as a mere construct and not our truth and is dissipated from within by the brilliant light of who we truly are.

When the noise, agitation and seeming solidity of our shadow self is dissolved we can once again live freely in the truth of who we really are even when not in the purity of the wilderness.

The purity is within.


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