Reach Your Full Potential With a Powerful Meditation Practice!

The Empowered Meditation Toolkit 

Reach Your Full Potential With
a Powerful Meditation Practice!

The Empowered Meditation Toolkit 

Your meditation practice can be the key
to unlocking the BEST YOU POSSIBLE.


Are you dedicated to your personal and spiritual growth, but struggle to maintain the solid practices that you know will really help you?
Then this course is for you!

Let me ask you this - Do you wonder why some people get so much out of their meditation practice while others consistently struggle?

Have you ever been shown exactly how your meditation practice can unlock your full power and potential?

Most people have never learned how to most effectively meditate!

I Get It!
For years my meditation practice was pretty underwhelming.

For over 30 years I had an on-again off-again meditation practice that never really had any significant transformative impact on my life.

Perhaps you can relate?

I had little idea what I was doing and certainly had no idea that a meditation practice could actually be the most significant key to awakening my full potential!

I thought meditation was just a stress relief tool to help me calm my anxiety and cope a little better with life.

But then I started studying with teachers who showed me that relaxation and calm were merely pleasant side benefits of a meditation practice.

I learned that the real transformative power of a properly focused and guided meditation practice was its ability to awaken a level of consciousness within me that possessed all the strength, peace, confidence and clarity that I had been seeking my entire life.

A properly trained meditation practice can be a powerful tool for true awakening!

Today my beloved meditation practice is the absolute foundation of my most amazing breakthroughs, growth, abundance, transformations and liberation.

And I Want You to Experience These Powerful Transformations Too!

Introducing the Empowered Meditation Toolkit!


This course and toolkit will help to unlock your full potential by establishing a powerful foundation of genuine confidence and deep inner peace.

You're Ready
to Empower Your
Meditation Practice if...
  • You struggle to stay consistent with your meditation practice.

  • You feel like there is so much more that your practice can offer you.

  • You've never actually learned how to meditate in a way that is deeply enriching and consistently transforms your life with genuine inner peace and true freedom.

  • You've fallen into a frustrating pattern where you get distracted from your practice when life is good and only return to your practice when life again gets hard.

  • You want a practice that will steadily and reliably awaken and accelerate your full power and potential.

  • You have a sense that a deeper and more devotional meditation practice could play a much more important role of your life.

  • There something in you that says "YES!" when you imagine making a powerful meditation practice central to your journey of health and well-being.

Yes! That's Me.

Sign Me Up ➡

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Login to your Oasis Membership and click the Empowered Meditation Card to access your discounted member pricing.

You're Ready
to Empower Your
Meditation Practice if...
  • You struggle to stay consistent with your meditation practice.

  • You feel like there is so much more that your practice can offer you.

  • You've never actually learned how to meditate in a way that is deeply enriching and consistently transforms your life with genuine inner peace and true freedom.

  • You've fallen into a frustrating pattern where you get distracted from your practice when life is good and only return to your practice when life again gets hard.

  • You want a practice that will steadily and reliably awaken and accelerate your full power and potential.

  • You have a sense that a deeper and more devotional meditation practice could play a much more important role of your life.

  • There something in you that says "YES!" when you imagine making a powerful meditation practice central to your journey of health and well-being.

Yes! That's Me.

Sign Me Up ➡

Let's Empower
Your Meditation Practice

I'm In. Let's Go! ➡

Already an Oasis Community Member?

Login to your Oasis Membership and click the Empowered Meditation Card to access your discounted member pricing.

Here's What's Included in Your
Empowered Meditation Toolkit.

Here's What's  Included
in Your Empowered
Meditation Course.

Your Empowered Meditation Toolkit
Contains a Curated Collection of:

  • Over 5 Hours of Video Lesson Content

  • Over 4 hours of Guided Audio Meditations

Within This Course
You Will Learn...

  • How meditation can awaken the most powerful and enlivening truth of who you really are.

  • Techniques, processes and deep-dive inquires designed to maximize the benefit from every meditation while you significantly transform your life.

  • How to sit comfortably and peacefully in meditation no matter where you are.

  • How to drop quickly and deeply into your meditation at any time.

  • How to remain completely unbothered by your overly active mind.

  • The common meditation myths that need to be debunked in order to deepen and strengthen your practice.

  • And so, so much more

All For Only $47.00

I'm Ready to Empower
My Meditation Practice.

Yes, Please ➡

Already an Oasis Community Member?
Be sure to log in here to access your special members only pricing.

“I had been meditating for most of my life. But my practice was a supplemental and not integral part of my life.

When I learned how to meditate with the power of Self-Inquiry, my entire world opened up and I accessed more beauty than I could have ever imagined.”


"I had never had a meditation practice because it just seemed like it would be too hard to start and maintain. And really, just experiencing a little more peace from time to time, just didn't seem like a big enough reward.

Then Chess showed me how to make meditation not only easy,
but amazingly powerful!

I had no idea that meditation would be the one thing that would lead me to my true power and happiness."


“I thought I was a seasoned and proficient meditator.

 Then I met Chess and he helped me unlock my meditation practice in a way that revealed worlds of divine light that I had no idea even existed.

Meditation opened me up to the boundless consciousness of love!"


"Meditation always felt like a chore and I held a lot of guilt around how often I would stray from my practice. Frankly, meditation was always an unpleasant struggle for me.

But I then learned some simple and powerful ways to use my meditation to awaken the most beautiful parts of myself. The Self that has awakened could never imagine experiencing guilt or shame or suffering ever again."


“I had been meditating for most of my life. But my practice was a supplemental and not integral part of my life.

When I learned how to meditate with the power of Self-Inquiry, my entire world opened up and I accessed more beauty than I could have ever imagined.”


"I had never had a meditation practice because it just seemed like it would be too hard to start and maintain. And really, just experiencing a little more peace from time to time, just didn't seem like a big enough reward.

Then Chess showed me how to make meditation not only easy, but amazingly powerful!

I had no idea that meditation would be the one thing that would lead me to my true power and happiness."


“I thought I was a seasoned and proficient meditator.

 Then I met Chess and he helped me unlock my meditation practice in a way to revealed worlds of divine light that I had no idea even existed.

Meditation opened me up to the boundless consciousness of love!"


"Meditation always felt like a chore and I held a lot of guilt around how often I would stray from my practice. Frankly, meditation was always an unpleasant struggle for me.

But I then learned some simple and powerful ways to use my meditation to awaken the most beautiful parts of myself. The Self that has awakened could never imagine experiencing guilt or shame or suffering ever again."


A lot of people get frustrated with their meditation practice because they never really learned what makes for an empowering, nourishing, rewarding and joyful practice.


The Empowered Meditation Toolkit makes it easy
for you to fall in love 
with your meditation practice,
so that you can fall deeper in love with yourself.

I'm Ready to Empower
My Meditation Practice.

Sign Me Up ➡

"When You Awaken Your Authentic Peace...

You Awaken Your Authentic Power."

I'm Ready to Empower
My Meditation Practice.

Let's Go! ➡

Already an Oasis Community Member?

Login to your Oasis Membership and click the Empowered Meditation Card to access your discounted member pricing.

With An
Empowered Meditation Practice
You Can...

  • AWAKEN the full potential and power of who you truly are!
  • Become fully AWARE and FREE of all the ways that your conditioned thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors get in the way of living your truth!
  • Support a consciously ALIVE, nourishing and liberated life rich with connection, love, success, peace and joy.
  • Be FREE OF the hold that limiting, disempowering and troublesome thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and habits have over you.
  • Learn to meet the full range of inner and outer life conditions with a solid equanimity of peace.
  • Actually love and heal the conditioned and troublesome parts of you that you wish to release.
  • All for Only $47.00

You've Got Nothing to Lose...

Rest assured, as long as you've watched less than 50% of the 5 hours of video lessons, you've got 30 days to try out the course and ask for your money back if you don't find it to be valuable for deepening and strengthening your meditation practice - with no weird questions or push from me or my team.

I'm Ready to Empower
my meditation practice ➡

Already an Oasis Community Member?

Login to your Oasis Membership and click the Empowered Meditation Card to access your discounted member pricing.

Still Have Questions?

I look forward to being with you in support of your rich and empowering meditation practice.

Your journey of Ultimate Peace and Freedom deepens today.

Love and blessings,
