The Oasis

Nourishment For Your Soul

An Awakening and Community Program

The Oasis serves
as a rich and vibrant online space
dedicated to Awakening
Your Highest Truth and Power.

Discover Deep Inner Peace,
Wholehearted Aliveness
and True Freedom.


It is this Awakening
that radically transforms a life!

It's time to realize
your true
Peace, Power,
Joy and Freedom.

Awakening the full grace of
Who You Really Are
is a journey.

It is a journey that requires
Patience, Study, Practice, Devotion
and Consistent Engagement.


The Oasis Awakening and Community Program
provides the crucial content and vital conversations
that guide, inspire and support
spiritual awakening and transformative personal growth.

Are You Ready
To Build A Life Around
Your Spiritual Aliveness?

~ Have you been striving to be the best version of yourself through attending retreats and workshops, reading self-help books, and enrolling in multiple programs, only to feel like something vital is still missing?


Are you 'somewhat' attending to your personal and spiritual growth, but recognize that for the transformation you want it's time for a real devotional commitment?


Do you feel like you’re somehow coming up against an invisible barrier that you just can’t break through, and you're being held back from stepping fully into the rich and vibrant life you wish to live?


~ Perhaps you're making great strides in life and growing beautifully - And you simply want to take it to a whole other level!


Do aspects of your life feel somehow stuck, stagnant, derailed, out of balance, unfulfilling or out of reach?


~ Perhaps you recognize that you are repeating patterns or behaviors that are limiting your full potential.


Are you tired of cobbling together self-help resources and modalities from countless sources that get you high but then let you down?


~ Are you ready for the Deep Peace of being completely FREE?

FREEDOM - Feeling safe, clear and confident enough to BE completely yourself, fully expressed, wholeheartedly alive, genuinely loving and deeply at peace.

What is
The One Thing

That's Absolutely Necessary
to Live a Life of True Peace
and Ultimate Freedom?

After 40+ years of guiding myself and others in how to embrace the
full beauty and adventure of life,
I can confidently say that there is indeed ONE THING
that makes all the difference!

It's nothing new.
In fact, it is simple
ancient wisdom
that so many have simply forgotten.



Somehow You Just Know
That There's More!
  • You sense that there is so much more to this life than what you are currently experiencing or stepping into.

  • You recognize that there is a nuance and mastery to navigating this wild life and you wish to learn more about The Art of Living Fully Free.

  • You wish to feel and live more purposefully, peacefully and powerfully alive.

  • You have a sense that you may be going at this life thing a bit backwards or upside down. It’s time to start living from the inside out rather than from the outside in.

  • You recognize that you're just scratching the surface of the full and rich potential of your life.

  • You realize that there is a lot that you learned earlier in life that no longer serves you and is in fact getting in your way.

  • You recognize that there is more drama, conflict or difficulty in your life than there needs to be.

  • You want to feel deeply and wholeheartedly connected to something far greater and more vibrantly alive than what you're feeling now.

The Oasis provides a nourishing space for regular connection and engagement
with the conversations and studies that truly transform a life.

Already know that you want to Join The Oasis...

Β Monthly
Classic Membership


I'M IN ➑

 Full Year
Classic Membership

Only $470

I'M IN ➑
  • Monthly Live Calls!

    Two 90 minute LIVE Community calls (Satsang) with me every month!

  • Community Conversation Forums.

    Supportive and inspiring conversations and discussions focused on Personal and Spiritual Development and living an awakened life.

  • Monthly Masterclass Lessons.

    A growing library of video lessons specific to The Art of Conscious Awakened Living.

  • Curated Library of Master Teacher Lessons.

    A growing library of videos and inspirations from master teachers such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Ram Dass, Gangaji, Adyashanti...

  • Regular Quick Inspirational Guidance Videos.

    Short and inspiring video lessons from the trail and the meditation cushion.

  • Virtual Breathwork Journeys.

    Chess periodically guides his celebrated breathwork sessions privately for The Oasis membership!

Once the doors close,
The Oasis won't open again for another 3 months.









The Oasis provides a central nourishing space where you can consistently engage in the crucial conversations and explorations that awaken true peace and freedom!

“Why joining The Oasis with Chess Edwards is the BEST thing you can do for your spiritual health and well-being:

You are given a solid foundation of what it takes to embrace and allow your authentic loving self to Be. You are given insights into the struggles you will face as you allow this authentic self to arise, as well as language and techniques to move through them.

You have a community filled with others with whom you can share and from whom you can learn. You have the opportunity to consistently practice the techniques that will aid in your growth.

The question isn’t why would I join? The question is: Why wouldn’t you join The Oasis community?”


"The Oasis has been instrumental in my journey as I currently move through the most challenging and transformative period of my life. It has helped me integrate certain spiritual realizations, bringing my awareness from a state of fear and helplessness to one of loving acceptance, grace and contentment.

The lesson uploads and community challenges keep me engaged and accountable. I’m enjoying the Satsang live and recorded calls available on the community portal, which I can access whenever my schedule allows.

It has been an absolute pleasure to connect with Chess and all the active Oasis community members who share their stories of struggle, reflection and triumph."


“After years of looking for a teacher to assist my spiritual journey... I finally found one in Chess Edwards!!!

I am learning to Let Go and Flow with life. Each Satsang and Breathwork session is allowing me to find my way back home(deep inner peace).

The Oasis Community is an amazing space where like minded friends are working together to awaken who we really are.



"The Oasis is a part of my daily practice where I go to nourish my spiritual growth and strengthen my mindfulness practices.

Chess has created an amazing space for anyone seeking to come home to their true self; A place for study, enrichment, learning and a community of other like minded souls.

The Oasis is a safe and beautiful space to reconnect to the oneness of your self."


SO, What's All the Goodness
Inside The Oasis?


Let's Take a Look!

Your membership keeps you engaged
in the transformational conversations
that enrich and empower your life.

LIVE Mentorship Calls With Chess

This is where you'll find the real vibrant aliveness of the program. You'll have LIVE access to myself and other members as you join in the meditations, lessons, conversations and studies that are central to living a life of ultimate freedom and peace.

I want to make it super easy for you to have access to me. These 90 minute calls give you the opportunity to engage directly with me and the community. Calls will be announced ahead of time and will occur within the Zoom platform.

It is in these direct and real time conversations that so much deep learning and understanding occurs.

If you can't make a LIVE Call, no worries. Each call will be recorded and uploaded to The Oasis to create and growing catalog of support and guidance.

Inspired and Supportive Community

Living with more conscious awareness and devotion has its own language and way of perceiving that takes awhile to learn and that many people in your life may not understand.

A powerful component of The Oasis is a rich community of like minded and spiritually aligned souls who are all learning to navigate life with more love, truth, awareness, honesty, trust, compassion and courage.

The community forums found within The Oasis are alive with inspiration, care, encouragement, compassion and wisdom. They are where you can both give and receive valuable support.

Imagine social media, but here it is 100% dedicated to living awake, aware and consciously alive! Plus it's free of all of the other distracting nonsense and noise!

Monthly Masterclass Lessons

Each month I upload a new Masterclass Lesson relating to both personal development and spiritual awakening.

These classes are always inspired by the real-time experiences that are unfolding in my own life and those that are present for my private clients.

In these Masterclass recordings, I provide a deep dive into the nuances and subtleties of Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening and all the ways that we can bring more conscious attention to this precious journey of life!

Quick Inspirations

Often inspirations or insights come while out on the trail or otherwise enjoying nature. Other times a clear "download" comes while in meditation. I'm pretty much always contemplating the nature of reality and exploring how it plays out in every day life.

These quick inspirations are recorded "From the Trail" and "From the Meditation Cushion" and are typically 10-15 minutes. So, they're easily digestible insights and shared perspectives that are meant to stimulate a bit of contemplation and further self exploration for you.

Bonus Library of Master Teacher Lessons

I am consistently studying the guidance and insights of a handful of remarkable teachers who continue to shape my path of discovery.

When I come across a particularly insightful, inspiring and beneficial teaching, I share it here!

This component of The Oasis provides a growing and curated collection of some of the richest and most beautiful teachings that have had a tremendous impact in my own journey of awakening and personal development.

Online Breathwork Journeys

Breathwork is one of the most powerful modalities I use to help drop people out of their heads and into their hearts, while simultaneously connecting with their highest consciousness and wisdom.

It is not at all uncommon to hear my breathwork students say that their single 1-hour session was one of the most powerful and transformative experiences of their lives.

Online virtual breathwork sessions will be offered quarterly for the entire Oasis Membership!

A Quick
Sneak Peek

The Oasis


Come Join The Oasis
and Awaken To Your True
Peace, Power and Freedom!

Classic Membership


I'M IN ➑

Β Full Year
Classic Membership

Only $470

Save $94 / I'M IN ➑
  • Monthly Live Calls!

    Two 90 minute LIVE Community calls (Satsang) with me every month!

  • Community Conversation Forums.

    Supportive and inspiring conversations and discussions focused on Personal and Spiritual Development and living an awakened life.

  • Monthly Masterclass Lessons.

    A growing library of video lessons specific to The Art of Conscious Awakened Living.

  • Curated Library of Master Teacher Lessons.

    A growing library of guidance videos from master teachers such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Ram Dass, Gangaji, Adyashanti...

  • Regular Quick Inspirational Guidance Videos.

    Short and inspiring video lessons from the trail and the meditation cushion.

  • Virtual Breathwork Journeys.

    Chess periodically guides his celebrated breathwork sessions privately for The Oasis membership!

The doors close at 11:59 PM June 27
and won't open again for at least 3-4 months.









With Artful Attention
You Can...

  • AWAKEN the full potential and power of who you truly are!
  • Become fully AWARE and FREE of all the ways that your conditioned thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors get in the way of living your truth!
  • Create a consciously ALIVE, Nourishing, Liberated and Inspiring life rich with connection, love, success, peace and joy.
  • Be FREE OF the hold that limiting, disempowering and troublesome thoughts, ideas, beliefs, behaviors and habits have over you.
  • Learn to meet the full range of inner and outer life experiences with a solid equanimity of peace.
  • Actually love and heal the conditioned and troublesome parts of you that you wish to release.

So, what's the secret ingredient
that most programs are missing which allows for
truly foundational and lasting change?

The key transformational power of THE OASIS is that it offers you support and guidance in both Personal Development AND Spiritual Awakening.

It is this combination of study that allows for a more full and complete self knowing that is THE KEY for discovering lasting peace and freedom.

WITHIN THE OASIS you are guided in how to awaken your most authentic and liberated self while simultaneously becoming acutely aware of all the ways that your egoic-identity veils you from knowing and living your essential truth!

Commonly referred to as "Getting in your own way."

We then add the component of Inspired and Conscious Living which guides you in how to create a nourishing and supportive life that invokes true transformation.

The problem with most of the self-help resources out there is that they typically focus on one or maybe two of these areas.

But combining all three is absolutely fundamental to experiencing the ultimate freedom of radical self-knowing.


For the first 40+ years of my life, I lived with a deep anxiety regarding my sense of unworthiness. My anxiety had become so normalized that I just thought I was inherently unlovable, and so I constantly felt the need to prove my worth and my reason for even existing.

I lived with a pernicious and unrelenting sense of doubt, fear, uncertainty and feelings of not being good enough.

I thought that if I somehow fixed myself and got rid of all of my inadequacies that I might finally be worthy of love and that I might be safe to pursue my dreams.

Finally I got to the point where I could no longer live with my emotional turmoil and angst. I began doing a lot of personal growth work. I attended retreats and workshops, I read lots of very good books, I developed a deep love of poetry, I sought therapy, I spent years studying with a group that worked with a shaman tapping into the powerful benefits of psychedelics.

I learned a ton and I benefited greatly from every bit of my personal development journey. This is work that absolutely must be done if we are to truly understand ourselves.

BUT... At some point I realized that I still wasn't free and that something significant was missing!

Of course I figured that I was just so messed up that I wasn't capable of real change and that freedom and peace just weren't meant for me.

I was achieving valuable and welcome plateaus of personal awareness but still not breaking free of my disempowering thoughts and feelings.

Then I started working with teachers of Self Realization and Awakening the True Self beyond my conditioned stories.

I realized, I had it all backwards…

Rather than beginning with the premise, “What’s wrong with me?” and thinking that my freedom would arrive only when I’d sorted out ALL my issues, I needed to start by awakening to my divine essence, my divine perfection, my grace of being, my True Self.

By discovering and beginning to trust my True Self as pure love where nothing is broken, I could then apply that love to slowly and patiently healing my personal wounding.

The “Missing Ingredient” was learning Who I Really Am… and genuinely trusting that True Self.




Rather than replacing all my messed up stories with better stories, I needed to awaken to the Self that exists beyond all stories.

To do this, I combined personal development with spiritual awakening.


That combined way of self-knowing is central to the offerings found within The Oasis.

The True Self for each of us is already whole, already free, already at peace and already fully alive.

You don’t need to do anything to this True Self, besides awaken to it's presence.

That True Self is the source of self love.

Video Poster Image


Why do the Ahh-ha benefits from most retreats and workshops tend to fade soon after you return home?

Because so many self-help solutions are primarily aimed at changing your mindset and trying to forcibly eliminate your disempowering stories.

The issue with this approach is that the mind possesses a lot of habitual fortitude and it's just not reliably stable. The old habitual thought patterns return and hook us once again. We might then sign up for yet another retreat or seek a new path in our endless search for peace and freedom.

We're chasing peace through the manipulation of mind.

What's missing is the awakened knowing of the true and peaceful Self that already exists beyond all the mind's stories and strategies.

As that True Self is awakened, when the negative thoughts return (and they will), they can be met with true love and peace and they are no longer believed.

Healing is not achieved through battling or even changing our thoughts, but by seeing them for what they are, accepting their presence and allowing them the arise into the healing presence of true love.

A consistently unbelieved thought
will lose all of its power over time.

The key foundational component that MUST be in place in order to live in ultimate peace and freedom is....


I call this:
Knowing The Full Dimensionality of Your Being.


Most people don't really know themselves.
Not their true selves.

We know our stories about ourself. We know our programmed thoughts, feelings and beliefs about ourself.

We think we know who we are. But who we think we are, is NOT who we really are.

Growing up, nobody ever taught us the fundamentals of being a fully awake and aware human/spiritual being.

What you're missing is a foundational 3 part focused study to fully knowing yourself.


SELF REALIZATION / SPIRITUAL AWAKENING - This conversation helps you answer the question "Who are you, really?" What is the essential nature of your being, transcendent of this lived experience? What is the divine essence of you that exists beyond your thoughts of you?

PERSONAL AWARENESS - This is the conversation about discovering, working with and healing the limited and conditioned dynamics of your egoic identity that keep you from living your highest truth.

THE FOUNDATIONS OF CONSCIOUS LIVING - This conversation is focused on consciously creating a nourishing container for your life that fully supports a devotional exploration of the first two crucial conversations.

This work establishes a healthy ego-self that can surrender into a role of humble service to your highest and most profound truth.

More than ever, individually and collectively,
we need to learn a whole new way of
Perceiving, Being and Connecting.

There's a significant awakening
happening in human evolution!

Awakened consciousness is the new currency
of prosperity and fulfillment.

The degree to which you are
consciously awake and aware
is the degree to which you will know
True Peace, Happiness, Freedom,
Fulfillment and Connection!

"The Oasis has helped me profoundly. My spiritual practice doesn’t have to exist only when in isolation at home or on retreats that are hard to schedule.

I love the Live Satsangs, Breathwork, and wealth of video lessons, all supported by the interactions with Chess to stay on course.

In the past, I have seen my periodic inspirations dim with time and then I fall back into my old habits. But here, having a group of friends in The Oasis helps me to keep strengthening and deepening my practice.

Thank you for this wonderful portal!"


"In a time of human evolution where stress, distortion, categorization, and ego reign supreme, I needed to find The Oasis – a place where I integrate with a community of seekers devoted to love, peace, truth and equanimity – A place where I can truly learn how to be FREE.

Thank God that I found The Oasis.

The weekly resources, which include recorded lessons, meditations, music, community messages, etc., have proven to be tremendously nourishing and rewarding to me in my daily walk.

I am grateful for this blessing, and especially grateful for Chess’ outpouring of love and spiritual guidance to our community."


 "Within the Oasis I find a community of like-minded individuals who are focused on self-work.

As someone who has been on the path of raising my consciousness for the majority of my adult life, I find it important to surround myself with people who are also on the path as a way to keep my focus on my soul growth.

I also find the community calls (satsang) to be a great practice of being in service to others. The act of listening deeply when someone is intimately sharing their soul’s journey is a responsibility I tend to with respect and honor. To be on these calls and be witness to transformation is a gift.

Oh, and the monthly Breathwork sessions are where it’s at!"


 Join Us In
The Oasis!

We would love to have you as a part of this
vibrant and inspiring program.

Classic Membership


I'M IN ➑

 Full Year
Classic Membership

Only $470

Save $94 / I'M IN ➑
  • Monthly Live Calls!

    Two 90 minute LIVE Community calls (Satsang) with me every month!

  • Community Conversation Forums.

    Supportive and inspiring conversations and discussions focused on Personal and Spiritual Development and living an awakened life.

  • Monthly Masterclass Lessons.

    A growing library of video lessons specific to The Art of Conscious Awakened Living.

  • Curated Library of Master Teacher Lessons.

    A growing library of guidance videos from master teachers such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Ram Dass, Gangaji, Adyashanti...

  • Regular Quick Inspirational Guidance Videos.

    Short and inspiring video lessons from the trail and the meditation cushion.

  • Virtual Breathwork Journeys.

    Chess periodically guides his celebrated breathwork sessions privately for The Oasis membership!

The doors close at 11:59 PM June 27
and won't open again for at least 3-4 months.









The journey of awakening
is available to all who wish to live
Free and at Peace!

It's remarkable how most people have never been shown the difference between their troublesome mind-generated self that is typically running their lives, and their divine essential nature that is absolutely free of the mind's stories.

I have found that within just a few hours I can show people the path to their freedom in a way that they really understand.

Now, the actual awakening takes time, study, practice, devotion and patience. But most people I work with find that the first conversation is what sparks and inspires their entire transformation!

For a small monthly investment of time and money you can be engaged in some of the most important and influential conversations of your life!

I have witnessed this conscious exploration of deep self-knowing consistently transform people's lives again and again and again.

THE OASIS could well be the nourishing and inspiring program and community experience that you've been seeking all along.


Seriously, it all starts by being properly introduced to the basic but profound fundamentals of our human/spiritual reality!

As long as your membership is active, you will receive an automatic 10% off ALL current and future courses and products.

Join The Oasis

Set Yourself Free!

Classic Membership


I'M IN ➑

 Full Year
Classic Membership

Only $470

Save $94 / I'M IN ➑
  • Monthly Live Calls!

    Two 90 minute LIVE Community calls (Satsang) with me every month!

  • Community Conversation Forums.

    Supportive and inspiring conversations and discussions focused on Personal and Spiritual Development and living an awakened life.

  • Monthly Masterclass Lessons.

    A growing library of video lessons specific to The Art of Conscious Awakened Living.

  • Curated Library of Master Teacher Lessons.

    A growing library of guidance videos from master teachers such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Ram Dass, Gangaji, Adyashanti...

  • Regular Quick Inspirational Guidance Videos.

    Short and inspiring video lessons from the trail and the meditation cushion.

  • Virtual Breathwork Journeys.

    Chess periodically guides his celebrated breathwork sessions privately for The Oasis membership!

The doors close at 11:59 PM June 27
and won't open again for at least 3-4 months.









Still Have Questions?



I believe that The Oasis will be a welcome blessing in your life.

But if within 30 days you’re not 100% satisfied with the membership, and you have signed up for an Annual Subscription, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

Take the full 30 days to explore THE OASIS and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

If you sign up for the monthly subscription, you can cancel at any time and your membership will not renew the next month.


I look forward to being with you inside this rich and nourishing community!

Your journey of Ultimate Peace and Freedom starts today.


Love and blessings,

