Optimal Living Resources
Seeking our identity through the highs and lows of life is a precarious roller coaster ride of illusion.
If we’re experiencing successes, then we believe that we are worthy. If we are experiencing failures or if we’re showing up...
Often those who begin a meditation practice have the experience within the stillness that “this is boring and there’s nothing to do here.”
But with patience and a new perspective we can find a vastness within ourselves that...
Where we spend time becomes familiar. Yes?
When we spend time in our practices of presence and awareness,
then our core authentic nature becomes more familiar and accessible to us
than our reactive and conditioned state of being.
Attaching our sense of joy, happiness, love, contentment, abundance, peace, etc..
to external conditions that are impermanent and always changing is an act of conditioned insanity.
Not that we don’t also find joy and enrichment
from the...
We Are Perfect.
Anything else is a lie told by the fragile ego.
A short video presentation about
consciously choosing how we want to show up in the world.
Our greatest weaknesses are typically our greatest strengths
either over used or mis-applied.
Learning how to be grateful and appreciative for what we receive, even when it isn’t what we thought we wanted, leads to living with greater ease, success and joy.
As well, we learn that it is a tremendous gift to others when we allow...
Joseph Campbell’s model, The Hero’s Journey, reminds us that the idea is not to create heaven on earth.
That is where we came from (figuratively) and that to which we will return. The idea is to live a very full, rich and perfectly...