
Optimal Living Resources

The Wilderness Within Jan 08, 2014

Why is the wilderness such a powerful partner in dissolving our own shadow?

We go to the wilderness to listen again to what is true from within us rather than to what is projected as true from the societal world around us.

We go to the wilderness...

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Men, Please Donā€™t Make The World so Small Dec 16, 2013


Please, do not strive to make the world small when you hurt.

As men we have the ability to empower or destroy.  As do women. But women tend toward creation while men turn more toward control. And in that desire to control we tend to...

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STAY Dec 16, 2013


Don’t turn away


in the fire that burns your already peeling skin


on the path crowded by brambles that tear at your old hide


in the flood that washes away all to which you cling


standing in the fierce wind that...

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The Reward of Mastery is Going to Cost You. Dec 05, 2013

Some of the best carpenters I’ve ever met are missing a finger or two. Some of the best mechanics have seriously calloused and scared knuckles from all the times that the wrench has slipped. Some of the best singers in the business have at...

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Going Away to Return Home Nov 20, 2013

Today I leave for a 10 day Silent Meditation Retreat.  A Vipassana Retreat.

No talking.  No reading.  No writing.  No music.  No relating to other humans.  Not even a raised eyebrow in passing or a friendly thumbs up....

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Our Thoughts Impact Our Physical Energy and Health. Oct 18, 2013

When we entertain negative and fear based thoughts, our energy level dramatically decreases.  When we choose to see the positive possibilities in any situation, we find that our physical energy and stamina increase greatly.  Our bodies...

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Our Greatest strengths Can Turn into Our Greatest Weaknesses Oct 18, 2013

Our greatest weaknesses are typically our greatest strengths either misapplied or over used. When we’re stressed we tend to want to pull out and show our greatest strengths. But when we turn up the volume too high on our strengths, we often...

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The Heroā€™s Journey Aug 02, 2013

Fifteen thousand feet up in a remote corner of the Nepali Himalayas, I stared into the worried face of my porter, Prem Bahadur, and shouted through the cold and persistent wind, “Do you have any idea where we are?”

Prem shook his head...

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Compelled by Purpose, Sustained by Practice Sep 24, 2012

Caring for ourselves
should be a joy,
not a burden.
What we’re often missing
is the right motivation.

It can be difficult to maintain our practices of self care.  Our motivation to consciously tend to the quality of our lives can wane and...

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A Portal to Unlimited Potential Jul 19, 2012

Where can we access
unlimited potential?

There is an interesting dynamic to my life in regards to the time and space that I’ve created to read, write, explore ideas, facilitate workshops, coach and otherwise groove on an never ending...

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